Help Us Highlight Our Extension Experts on Social Media

— Written By
en Español / em Português

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The NC State Extension Marketing and Communications team wants to feature more of our Extension experts and your impacts on our state social media channels. We need your feedback on who’s making a positive difference in their community!

Use the brief form below to submit Extension colleagues whom you feel are most deserving of recognition and whose work best exemplifies the mission of Extension.

You can recommend Extension experts working in your county, program, department or anywhere across the state! This may include agents, specialists, program techs, assistants, directors – anyone! – that you believe is doing exceptional work.

*Please make sure to include a photo with your submission.

We will highlight as many of these individuals as we can across our NC State Extension social channels, including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram (later this year). This will help us showcase the personal connections and human impacts that our experts – YOU! – cultivate every day, as well as grow awareness of Extension’s value.

Contact our CALS / NC State Extension social media specialist, Caro Metzler, with any questions or feedback. You can also find guidance and resources to help you promote your local efforts at Extension Brand.

Thank you for your help, and for all that you do!